Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Bucket Brigade

I worry that our positions--that is to say, the social spaces we occupy--sometimes dictate our responses to things rather than our actual, genuine reactions on an emotional level. Like you spend several years very carefully cultivating an image of the Party Redneck. You know, flannel shirt sans sleeves and inoperable front-buttons, exclusive diet of domestic beer and Smokehouse Barbecue Ruffles (because Hickory Barbecue Wavy Lays are for country club homosexuals), refuse to go to any party that included a drinking receptacle made of glass, and maybe you're even the last person you know doing the hard work to keep "fuckin' A!" alive as a relevant exclamatory. Now imagine you're hanging out with your lib-tard bleeding heart disgrace of a sister and in her car you hear "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien" by Edith Piaf for the first time and you want to gasp because it hits your parched and cracked soul like the first drop of something you never even knew it was possible to thirst for, but now would die, desiccated and brittle as a moth's wing, if you couldn't find it and everything like it again, soon and often.

But you can't say that, you can't do that, because of who you have elected to be. Not just the shit you would take from admitting to the deep and sustaining nourishment you receive from a song without an Allen Collins guitar solo anywhere in it, but what about the grievous, maybe irreparable, damage to the fabric of the small social quilt that covers all of your and your neighbors' most intimate parts? It's not the embarrassment of challenging other people's perceptions of you, it's the great, enduring good of the objectively terrible society you're part of that needs to be defended. Guys who like things that are a) pretty, b) French and c) unaccompaniable by a fist-pump and a "Woo!" don't last long where you live. They're chased out, usually by themselves on their way to college.

It's a tricky place to be, especially because Edith Piaf is really, really good. I can say that because I already went to college and because by most redneck standards, I qualify as a woman. Remind me to post pictures of my souffles sometime.

No, what I've done is presented, over and over again, the image of the distant, observing, judging, self-appointed, over-educated social critic whose primary function is to hunt out earnestness and sincerity anywhere in the world and expose it as shallow attention-whoring, usually by making some kind of pseudo-intellectual or quasi-scientific appeal to Marx or Darwin and, simultaneously, a dismissive jerk-off motion with one or both my fists. I avoid feelings because feelings are what they do on Fox News. Feelings are the unthinking engine that drives the ballistic missile of Colbertian truthiness dudes like me are trying to defend against, all the time full aware of the fruitless waste of energy the task will prove to be because, when you come down to it, nothing is more fun than mindless outrage. Except maybe oxycontin. But I'm guessing with the Fox News crowd, those two spheres aren't mutually exclusive.*

So because of my well-established, self-appointed position in this, the fragile clockwork of my ticking social circle, I should by all rights be agitated as shit about this goddamned ice-bucket challenge thing. It doesn't actually do anything material, unless you're Charlie Sheen apparently. And it's a truism that if Charlie Sheen is your moral barometer, something is askew.

The snark is out there. I've seen all the cues I should take to sharpen the knife and stick it in, but I don't know... Is it wrong that I find it slightly charming? Maybe I'm getting old. Yes, it's shallow, it's idiotically trendy and most of the people involved can't reliably spell ALS, but how do you measure awareness anyway? Maybe you do it by the number of dumb videos that exist with people dumping water on their heads. If the internet gives us nothing else, it's metrics. Measurables. This many people can be moved to do something pointless and showy. Maybe next time they can be moved to do something else.

All that said, it's still funny to watch people do it wrong.


*Zing!!!!! OK, I'm done with the commentary.


Steelydanto said...

That video turned my lousy week around, and the comments there also are pretty fab.

I was obsessed with Edith Piaf from grades 8 through 10 and it drove my parents completely round the bend. I played my one and only album on my tiny portable stereo from the moment I got home from school until lights out. (There were others in my pantheon who also had the ability to make my parents scream, notably Ian and Sylvia, and Joni.) Then I discovered Jimi and it was all over for Edith. She didn't make it to college with me but she made it into Bull Durham and now your column. Resurrection!

Thanks as always, Pops, for giving me something great to read on the last day of the work week. Steelydanto

P.S. Drove through Orange Cty/Riverside a few weeks ago. More accurately, we crawled at about 10 miles an hour. If we had had your number, we would have taken you out for a drink. Wouldn't even have had to slow down much. Sorry.

Kate said...

I am pretty annoyed by the ice bucket challenge thing, though I can't 100% articulate why. I'll get back to you when I think of something.

(Also, not even an hour ago, I was thinking to myself, I should check and see if Pops wrote anything about that stupid ice bucket challenge. Thank you for living up to my expectations.)

Steelydanto said...

Kate, I've heard two objections to the ice bucket nonsense that hold pretty true for me. One relates to climate change, generally, and the drought in so many places in the US, specifically. To see so much water dumped/wasted in both solid and liquid form is pretty upsetting to me. The other objection is that as horrible conditions go, ALS affects about 5,600 persons a year and there are so many other conditions that affect thousands more that are equally in need of funding.

I happen to administer two small charities and the focus of each is different: one gives to artsy kinds of groups (La Mama Theater, Jacob's Pillow); and the other is more education focused, giving to universities as well as pre-K classrooms. I guess everyone's perception of need is directly proportional to their own experience.

So glad you had something to say here, Kate. I think about writing all the time but am overly tentative. Regards, Amy

Poplicola said...

Steel-- er, Amy: I was certain I felt your presence. And driving through very slowly is our primary way of passing the time out here. It's cultural. I do have an email address associated with this silly thing. I can be warned about incursions (positively or negatively, depending on your word choices, conscious or subconscious). The Chamber of Commerce obliges me to say: Riverside Welcomes You... on your way to wherever else you're going. Not a great slogan, but we're working on our self-esteem.

Kati/e: It's only a comment section, it's cool. I'm the one who's supposed to be doing the articulating. You're off the hook. Although I do appreciate the participation.

Amy x2: I don't know, I think there's something to be said for a disease becoming the boutique disorder of the month. Yes, not enough people are on board for other things that affect far more people, but I think if you hold out, you'll get a crack at the public consciousness. It helps if physics rockstars or 1930s baseball legends come down with it though, apparently. That sounds like a dark joke, but I'm only kind of kidding. I remember seeing "Lorenzo's Oil" and being obsessed for a few years with tracking the progress of a cure for... whatever it is that poor kid has. See, it comes and goes, which is tragic, but it's a good deal for funding if "comes" at least exists in potential. If you let me know what your charities are, I can post them on facebook instead of dumping water on myself. That'll be almost like activism too.

LORI HIRST said...

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