Thursday, March 5, 2009


As if it weren't enough of a problem, Me vs. the Obamaconomy, now I have to do some traveling, to nowhere good and for the worst possible reasons. If you're keen to guess what that means, I'll give you a hint: I'm not a Shriner.

As far as where I'm compelled to go, I will say that people generally do not flee Southern California in early March to head east willingly.

I have neither an iPod nor a multimedia digital-Swiss-army-knife cellphone nor an actually portable laptop, so my in-flight entertainment is generally of the analog variety. As a general point of interest, here is a list of books I will specifically not be reading on any of the flights to or from:

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
The Five People You Meet In Heaven with Morrie or anything else from the Mitch Albom oeuvre
The Love Dare by whomever the fuck
Grey's Anatomy fanfic by
Making Money by Terry Pratchett (not because it's bad, but because I just read it)
The Rocky Mountain News

No estimated time of return, but given the wan antiprofligate pace of blog-posting done here of late, I'm sure you'll hardly notice.

In the interim, I appeal to the benevolent spirits of the Brothers Wright (as worthy of demiurgedom as any, I'll wager) and I wish gravity very bad luck indeed.

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