Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lather lather lather AAAAAAGH lather lather lather AAAAAGH...

In case any of you were wondering how my Thanksgiving week has gone thus far, I will tell you that we did NOT have to evacuate due to any fire/flood/mudslide event.

We did have to deal with the minor inconvenience of having our water heater fail on us. Since I have a job that unofficially requires me to bathe daily (no more happy housewife every-odd-day showering for ole P), for a short few minutes each day, my experience has not been dissimilar to this:

Just as air conditioners only break in July, water healers invariably fail after Labor Day. I'm sure it has something to do with the dearth of white shoes.

And I tell you, with the weather turning autumnal on us of a sudden, the lack of hot water has been quite unwelcome. It nearly dropped below 70 outside today, if you can believe it. Will there be no end to our suffering?

Happy post-turkey bloat, everyone.

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