Monday, August 4, 2008

A/Not A

The only fair thing to do, for those of you who have been dying to hear something over the last year, would be to catch you up on what has occurred in my life over the past year...

But there are things to consider before I delve into anything so personal. To wit:

1) I haven't told anyone about this yet, as I'm still working figuring out what it is. So not much of a general clamor for info. Plus I figure I'd build up a backlog before the grand unveiling, when all four of you start reading on a regular basis, so my infrequency of posting will seem less infrequent. Just pace yourselves, is all.

2) The list of actual things I have "been doing" since I last blog-posted would number fewer than the items on this current list, which I have just now completed.

I figure much more numerous, and not to mention exciting, would be a list of things I did not do while away:

I did not:

-acquire any new body holes, planned or otherwise.
-contract melanoma
-beat Guitar Hero III on "hard" (pending)
-get divorced
-get remarried
-acquire delegates for nomination as president
-qualify for an Olympic event
-see London
-see France
-see the underpants of anyone whose underpants I had not previously seen
-regular sail
-have self-esteem
-volunteer to work in any capacity with smelly, smelly hobos
-determine the proper plural spelling of hobos/hoboes
-write anything

So, as you can see, I have been extraordinarily not busy. So you can just get off my ass about not posting. That, as you can see, was just one of the many, many things I was not doing in the last 13 months. My time is not unlimited.

1 comment:

SJ said...

just trying to wipe the grin off my face