Monday, August 11, 2008

Tick Tick Tick

The good news is that I was totally right, I AM finding it incredibly difficult to find any time to do this again.

The bad news is, well, see above.

I'm trying to cut down on the time requirement by bypassing blog traditions like reading what other people have to say and keeping one of those mutual blog-link lists where I send you all to blogs that linked to mine. Anticipating some kind of readership, I feel kind of bad about that on a pre-emptive sort of basis, but what makes that squirmy social one-sidedness tolerable is the basic truth that I am an asshole.

Very freeing, that last part. Can't tell you how much my wife and kids love that.

The other thing is that I have settled on a name, finally. I like Poplicola because it recalls my old blog handle (you can shorten it to... something... if you like) and still also kind of sounds like a brand name for people-flavored soda.

I got it from here. I'd explain more, but there is that time thing I was talking about...

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