Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Pickaxe of Cortez

The timing of the holidays this year were not subject to my review and have thus conflicted with my Thursday-based posting schedule. These are the kinds of niggling little affronts that seem minor at the time, but will add up eventually to me snapping. Luckily for everyone my aversion to conflict (physical or emotional) and base-level cowardice means me "snapping" looks a lot like a guy driving in a car by himself practicing what he would say if the argument he was just desperate to avoid had actually happened. Note that the time frame for said potential argument ranges from five minutes go to whatever timeframe my current age covers, down to the minute (depending on when you're reading this). Also includes imaginary confrontations with people I've never met and/or fictional characters. Related to that: fuck you, Billy Corgan. You can't sing and your song lyrics are shitty seventh-grade assignment poetry. There, that one at least had to be stated publicly. You know, on my anonymous blog.

Anyway, I'll try to post something more substantive (made myself laugh a little there...), but to tide you over AND continue the Star Wars theme of the last few weeks, please enjoy the following video. Goddamn it, I said ENJOY IT.

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