Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yes! We're All Individuals!

This is the face and voice of hateful radicalism:

Allahu akbar, ululation aaaaand.... scene.

So anyone can build anything anywhere just because it happens to be done in accordance with local laws? Convenient. I can tell you first hand that that simply does not apply to everyone. If it did, the municipal-sized iteration of The Man wouldn't have been able to crush my dream Fireworks By Candlelight themed restaurant and hash bar at the planning stage. So there's another way Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a liar.

You have to pay attention to what Barack HUSSEIN Obama says. Like "As a citizen, and as president..." But he doesn't say as a citizen OF WHERE. Cagey, sir. I watch something like that and I just shake my head. You know, this would all go away if he would just come out and say. I once saw him give an entire speech at an auto plant in Indiana that contained not one mention of the strong Moslem beliefs instilled in him as a child in his native Mozambique or wherever. Not one. And he wonders why people don't trust him.

It's really very simple: all he has to do is have a shirt made with a copy of his birth certificate printed on it and lead the press corps in a recitation of the Lord's Prayer at every event he attends. Then he can finally put these things to rest. But no, this is his problem: arrogance. He refuses to do the little things it takes and as a result, no one's fears are assuaged, no questions are answered and everyone has to spend their extended unemployment benefit on more ammunition.

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