Friday, November 23, 2018

Eat It

So I’ve clearly missed Thursday, although technically I haven’t gone to bed yet. It’s been a very looooong day, the kind that makes one indifferent to abuse of noooormal voooowel usage.

Luckily it’s only been long physically, not emotionally. Or temporally because that would call all of our shared reality into question. It was the regular length. We’re still chronologically synchronized, you and I, I just did a lot. A whole lot of cooking.

But now I have no physical choice but to fall asleep. To make up for the lack of depth or length or any other meaningful measurable dimension, here’s a picture of a turkey astronaut. [Or at least there’s supposed to be. I’m trying to do this on my phone and it’s 1 am. I’m only a man.]


EDIT Sunday 25 Nov 10:29 pm

OK, apparently adding pictures from my phone is not a thing that can be easily done. I'm back on my laptop now and, as I am the type of man who honors his word, especially in the cases where I remember having given it, here it is, a Turkey Astronaut. Also hopefully it is clear I do not mean an astronaut from Turkey (which I don't believe is an actual thing that has happened yet), I mean a turkey with a lower case t who is also an astronaut. If it's at all confusing, please note the giant US of A flag on the bird's arm... or wing, whatever.

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