Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brother, Can You Spare an Upper-Mid Five Figures with Full Dental and a 401(k)?

I have to tell you that so far this Obama administration has been exactly the nightmare for America that Rush Limbaugh warned us about.

For instance, the reason I'm way overdue for this week is that I'm being forced to spend all my otherwise blog-ready writing time updating my resume and flinging myself onto the osteoporotic back of the U.S. Job Market as I stare down the very real possibility of being out of work in about six weeks' time.

The only potential upside is that if I do get shitcanned, wow! Think of all the blog time I'll have free!

But then, of course, I'll have to compete for blogosphere space with the other 50+ people I work with, so there's that.

In previous economic downturns, I survived by being cannily and, I must say, archvillain cleverly preemptively unemployed. It's really hard to get downsized if nobody is willing to pay you to do anything. It's also hard to downsize if you sit on your ass all day with nothing to do but eat whole loaves of bakery sourdough between dropping the kids off and picking them up from school. That's really more of a growth industry.

But no, here I am now, in Obama's America, waiting to get maybe fired AND with a giant income tax bill because the wife and I made TOO MUCH MONEY last year. Oh irony, you motherfucker.

I will let you know how it turns out. Sporadically, but I promise not to leave again. Incidentally, if any of you DO own a money truck, I am accepting deliveries.

Meantime: STIMULUS!

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