Thursday, December 19, 2019

Let The Past Die

Any regular reader of this blog who has been here for any amount of time knows that Thursday evenings, with religious regularity, I bend my mind, body and soul into whatever shapes necessary, however distressing, to deliver the highest quality erratically typed content I am capable of fashioning. It is white-hot, molten thought pulled all squishy and glowing from the forge of pure creativity, laid heavily on the anvil of effort, beaten into form by the hammer of commitment. Every Thursday, without fail. Unless I'm busy. Or it gets really late. Or I forget. But otherwise! As regular as a sunrise, acknowledging of course that sometimes it's cloudy or you're at too high a latitude... you know what, I'm over-explaining. Another regular feature...

What I'm getting at is: I'm kind of busy this evening, parading into a collection venue with my other pop culture sheeple to stare at the flickering images as instructed by my Disney overlords.

We will be back to the regular crackling political-satirical-nonsensical content next Thursday. Except I'm on vacation starting tomorrow, so there's an above-average chance being out of my regular routine will cause me to remember I missed Thursday some time around the middle of the day on Saturday. I apologize in advance.

Meantime! Enjoy this non-corporate content of people trying to make something that looks like corporate content, except in an alleyway in a small town in Ohio.

See y'all in a week.

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