Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Ebony Maw

To be honest, it's not SO late that I couldn't put together a halfway decent post tonight, but I have only just gotten back home after a late-evening screening of Avengers 4: Age of Ultron 3: Infinite Wars Part II: Endgame - The Beginning. I don't really have the energy for a full write-up tonight. Maybe I'll get to it later this weekend, but who are we fooling really? I'll forget until next Thursday because that's how my biological rhythm is affixed anymore. The good news is that will give you all time to have DEFINITELY SEEN IT so I can write a full spoiler review without worrying about bruising anyone's eyeballs or expectations.

And now, like someone you've slept with but would really like them to go now, I will tell you that I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so this is where we part ways this evening. After all I've gotten what I wanted out of the exchange (the satiation of my compulsive need to post something to this space once per week, regardless of quality or sincerity of effort), so this is where I awkwardly try to stumble out in the dark, probably carrying at least one of my shoes.

Instead of the proverbial $5 on the dresser, I leave you with something far more valuable: my gratitude.

And also: this picture of a cat wearing an Iron Man mask made out of a lemon peel.

See you in a week.

Or shit, no! Maybe sooner! Count on that!

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