Thursday, March 30, 2017

Eastern Daylight Time

I remembered to pack up my laptop, and this hotel apparently has free wifi, so remember last week when Ole Mister Serious-face over here was all "Oh, I don't know if the circumstances will allow for the production of a posting next week..."? Over it. Just barely though.

Unusually, I have very little to say. The circumstances for my travel I'm going to continue to be somewhat vague about, but also unrelentingly grim. All I really want to say at the moment is:

I don't pretend this will fix you or anyone you know. And I think it should be clear that the link I'm going to end with is not for me. I have neither the research on board nor the specificity of lived life that would give me any insight into whether or not this particular program is right for you or anyone else. My best, most unnaturally and unrealistically optimistic hope would be that maybe someone reading or someone they know might want to make a change, but doesn't know where to start. Maybe this will just give you/them a (fairly obvious, I know) place to start some research at the very least.

I also offer no advice. I can't tell you when the right time to make a commitment to recovery might be. I don't know that there's such a thing as too early. I can certainly tell you, with sad surety, that there is such a thing as too late.

Good luck. Whether any of this applies to you or not.


Kate said...

Nothing to say, just wanted to let you know I'm still reading, and here.

Steelydanto said...

Pops, I am sorry you are suffering and hope you find some comfort and relief when you get back home to your boys and the daily routine. Best to you, Amy