Thursday, July 25, 2013


In the most unexpected of developments, over the last year or so I've discovered that I have developed something of a life. It's a little uncomfortable as I find I'm getting way behind on my self-assigned project to work through all of the internet's lesbian clown porn, but I'm seeing a lot more of the world. This Thursday, for instance I'm exploring the world culture hub of Bethesda, Maryland. It's surprisingly sophisticated. There are at least two Chipotles, for example.

As usual, I'll be keeping my away-game post short and leave you with something to broaden your already generous and curious minds, I give you catfish eating pigeons.


advocatethis said...

That was pretty cool, but for me also something of a letdown. In my lazy Monday morning reading mode, I expected to see catfish-eating pigeons.

Poplicola said...

Once again, we are dazzled by the subtle, reality-bending power of the majestic hyphen.