Thursday, July 4, 2013


As the reformed Gregorian calendar has seen fit to coincide my normal posting day of Thursday with our national day of conflagrational celebration, I feel it is my patriotic duty to make the effort to post something in this space on this day of rest and explosions. The fact that this duty coincides with very insistent needs of obsessive-compulsive inevitability is a happy coincidence.

HBO is taking a brief pause in their normal programming strategy of showing nonstop reruns of True Blood episodes on a fucking loop to show the whole of Paul Giamatti-Laura Linney miniseries John Adams. After I got over the initial shock of watching broody dickface Stannis Baratheon play sneery dickface Thomas Jefferson, it inspired in me a rolling carnival of introspective emotivity rooted in patriotism, mass culture consumerism, sociological collective consciousness, Jungian archetypes in the dream-state, a kind of nationalist existential theodicy* and monster trucks.

Tonight I'm going to see monster trucks. It's become something of an invasive through-line in my thinking. I'd like to develop my other smarty-pants-sounding thoughts a little bit more, but later I'm going to see a car crushed by another car, but where the second car is actually a truck and is fitted with giant fucking tires. Like monster tires.

Anyway, here's a fireworks factory EXPLODING.

Happy America, everyone.


*less around the questions of God:evil and more around America:awesomeness. How can American be made of pure awesome if there are things about America that are not awesome?**

**Monster trucks. That's fucking how.

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