Thursday, January 17, 2013

Buggin' Out

"President" Obama just can't stop his assault on our guaranteed Constitutional liberties. First, he went and got himself elected president even though he's only three-fifths of a person. Those crazy fuckers going on and on about birth certificates have somehow completely forgotten to point out this obvious impediment to his eligibility. I forget exactly what the language is when in comes to the fractionality of the candidate, but I think I remember there being at least a two-thirds majority threshold you had to meet.

Now, after he and his liberal elite Hollywood* friends cooked up this "massacre of innocent children" obvious hoax, he's finally ready to make his move to destroy Americans' right to protect themselves against armed intruders and those intruders' families and most of the people who live near them without having to reload. And he does it in typical Gestapobama style, with draconian measures like slightly longer delays for still being able to buy guns and adjustments to police training. I think somewhere in there he also advocated convening a commission of some kind. Hmph. A "commission." Death panels at last, eh Barry? Just like Hitler. Except democratically elected and term-limited and faced with the obstacle of the legislative and judicial branches of government. Sure, all that to make it SEEM legitimate. He's obviously been planning this for a long time. You almost have to admire it.

We'll call "admire it" Option A. What's Option B? Take your ball and go home. But not your actual home, oh no. That place is out there where the satellites and black helicopters can see you. No, those places are in the open, saturated by radiation from motion sensors and surrounded by the old hippies next door with the composter they use for... well, I'm not really sure what that is. Probably something to do with pot. Anyway, regular neighborhoods are compromised by their uncontrolled surroundings. No amount a tin-foil on the windows is going to keep out the GPS-tracking nanobots we're drinking in the government water supply, as the old saying goes.

This is the signal, people. Fill your pockets with deer jerky and throw the kids in a duffel bag, it's time to head out. Where? To the middle of fucking nowhere. To set up our own communities reflecting our own True American Values like the Second Amendment and... well, mostly just that. You can't live here if you disagree with us. Because the First Amendment is bullshit. The Second Amendment, that's the whole thing. The other amendments are fine I guess, but you can't build a hobbyist lifestyle cult around not having to board soldiers in your house. I'm sorry, the Third Amendment just doesn't lend itself to order-by-mail catalogues or echo-chamber internet message boards.

The Second Amendment, that's the one. And the revolt is ONLY about this. Not because the president is black. The fact that one of the proposals for disengaged communities is centered around Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, the heart of American white supremacist separatism, is totally a coincidence.

The movement is already growing. Texas is already offering up the entirety of the state as a refuge, which sounds dramatic, but I think suspiciously so. They're still trying to drum up any publicity to develop associations to supplant the memory of the Rick Perry for President debacle. And I can't say that I blame them.

Holing up in remote hilly places in fear of a government attack is a really good idea if all you're really looking for is control over your future and the security of your family. If you saw what happened at Sandy Hook, you can't help but react. But be circumspect. Find context. Look to history. If the Jewish rebels at Masada taught us anything of worth, it's the basic dignity of this: if our children are going to be massacred, it's going to be by us. Right before the Romans Feds get here.

That reminds us: don't send any mail trucks. We don't want anyone getting confused.


*I remember the good old days when this was just code for Jews, but we can't even count on that anymore.

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