Thursday, September 8, 2011

Internally Displaced Persons

No long-form, ill conceived, poorly executed post tonight, beloved. I am this evening hampered by the presence refugees from this cataclysmic inconvenience. Yes, I used the word "refugees," but there's no need to worry for my safety. They're the good kind. Not the foreign smelly kind with poor English and a legitimate fear for their physical well being. You know, the ones with no foreseeable course of return and probably cholera. Nope, these ones have all of their shots and their papers. I'm even related to most of them. I'm still going to set the motion detectors on the alarm system tonight. I'm too familiar with my own DNA to trust them entirely.

I'll post something better--or, who am I kidding, just longer--on Saturday maybe. Which means Sunday earliest. But I won't let you down. At least not in ways you're not already comfortable with me letting you down.

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