Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pun and/or Song Lyric

Dear person who used my credit card number to shop for $800 worth of stuff from some tacky French website,

You have shitty taste.

All my love,



kittens not kids said...


Poplicola said...

I tried saying that over and over again, but it turns out: yes. Luckily it's 2010 and not 1997 or I'd be hosed. Banks take credit protection fairly seriously it turns out.

MadameOvary said...

Sorry this happened to you, Pops, rather than, say, that Christine O'Donnell twatwaffle.

So ... What did this person buy?

Poplicola said...

It didn't break down exactly what they bought, I just know it was from a French website that looked like the equivalent of one of those strip mall Cigarettes N More! stores. I deserve a better class of criminal.

And "twatwaffle" is in the notebook. Thanks for that.

kittens not kids said...

when you say "in the notebook," do you mean your praise journal?

Poplicola said...

Distinction without a difference.