Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The North Minehead By-election

I was going to craft some kind of clever run-up, but just... oy:


Let's just leave the Lenin thing for a minute.

But really? Again with the Hitler?

And again with the lack of understanding of what "irony" is? You have a warning about preying on the naive using fear on a billboard that features Hitler. Adolf Hitler. Not Brian Hitler, the nice man from the neighborhood with the unfortunate name who goes door to door collecting money for the United Negro College Fund on his days off from the dolphin rescue mission. Like Adolf, THE Adolf Hitler. The one with the Panzers and the Bergen-Belsens and the shouting and the bendy-X insignia dealy and the audacious Chaplin 'stache. The guy with all the kampf.

I guess the intellectually fair thing to do would be to assume there's a legitimate point to be made with the comparison. Really, I've tried mockery and dismissal and ignoring, but this keeps coming up over and over again. Just to take it seriously for just the one second...

OK, so I'm struggling to come up with a real parallel thus far in the Hitler-Obama comparison. There was nothing comparable to a pre-election Beer Hall Putsch. To which a Tea Party person will probably respond with "ACORN! ACORN! ACORN! ACORN!" To which I say... touché? I don't really mean "touché," I'm mostly hoping that French will confuse and annoy them enough so they will stop saying "ACORN!"

There was nothing on par with the Reichstag fire to solidify resistance to his political enemies at any point in the campaign process. The only thing I can think of that happened that garnered cross-party sympathy for the guy was that his grandma died just before the election. I guess if we're being intellectually open to the idea that Obama is Hitler, we can at least entertain the idea that he murdered the woman. We'll mark that as a "maybe."

And as far as I know there hasn't been anything comparable to the Night of the Long Knives wiping out suspect comrades who had outlived their usefulness once power was achieved and consolidated. The closest equivalent to the quasi-oppositional potential fifth-column brownshirts would be the PUMA Clinton supporters. But not only are they not all murdered in their beds, Hillary got to be Secretary of State which, when you consider all the travel and non-TV-face-time that involves, it's sort of like exile at least. So yeah, we can call that as almost the same as countenancing the political slaughter of one's intrafactional rivals. So we're getting closer.

But what we don't have are the identifying of race or blood-enemies, marked for extermination to feed a propagandist self-perpetuating mania. But then I guess if we're being careful, we should say it's only two years into his term, so maybe he's still working on it. Given the non-racial roots of American society, it would be hard to identify an enemy like, say, the Jews. It would take a team of 20 experts three solid years just to figure out what to do with Lenny Kravitz. The bureaucracy required to sort that mess out here in 2010 would be impossible. Although with census work just about done, we do need the jobs...

No, the enemy would have to be ideological. The Tea Party people would be the most likely candidates (which they would LOVE, by the way). But look, they're still walking around free to make public asses of themselves with stupid fucking billboards.

But maybe... just maybe... we're looking at it a little too closely. Maybe if we take a step back, we'd be able to see what's really going on. Maybe it's already happening. I guess the question we have to ask ourselves is: if Oklahoma City was a concentration camp, how would we know the difference?

And the Lenin thing is just stupid. Lenin was a foreign-born agent of an shady international conspiratorial organization bent on toppling the government of one of the great powers of the world in order to forcibly remake it with an aggressive leftist agenda with pie-in-the-sky promises of real equality but really meant to subjugate and dominate the masses by crushing their throats with the boot-heel of compulsory orthodoxy of thought.

OK, in retrospect that fits. Hadn't considered that one. Nicely done.


Kraymo said...

Just a thought: That paragraph where you suggest that the pr*s*d*nt may have offed his grandma has probably put you on some CIA/NSA/OSS watch list.

For the record, I condemn this blog and everything it stands for.

kittens not kids said...

well, OBVIOUSLY, OBVIOUSLY, the link to these three men is that dangerous political ideology of CHANGE.

and clearly, Obama hates white people. It's not the cities that we have to worry about being concentration camps - they're full of *whisper voice* black people, so they'll be putting their boots on the necks of hard-working white folks. it's the SUBURBS that are the secret concentration camps, a thing I suspected when I was a 16 year old living in a devoutly Republican suburb.

What's interesting to me is that I am a vastly overeducated person with an interest in both history and Russian literature, and somehow I still don't know anything about Lenin.

Besides, if the billboard makers oppose change, then why would they want anything different from how it is now? wouldn't that require...change?

Poplicola said...

Kraymo: I think I'm already on their radar because of some intemperate remarks I might have made during the previous administration. You should see what I have to do to get on an airplane. I started carrying my own lube.

KnK: You just don't get it. When we take everything like it is now and alter it to make it match the way things used to be on TV in the 1950s, that's not change. That's UnChange. The basic platform isn't fix what is, it's basically just calling a Do Over. Which always, always works.

kittens not kids said...

ahhh! the political philosophy of Do Over!

now i get it. glad to know there's an ideology out there that follows the essential rules of my childhood game-playing experiences.

I'm so glad there is a patriarchal dude like you out there to explain these difficult concepts to dumb girls like me.