Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oh No You Di'n't!

I am traveling this weekend (tomorrow in fact) and thus have little time to write. In lieu of content, I will present for you the first five entries of popular culture words/phrases I am proud to say I have resisted using in conversation as yet. They are:

whatever's clever
hot mess

I get that language is fluid and dynamic, constantly shedding obscure and obsolete words ("newspaper") and adding mashed-together neologisms by the second (who saw "teabagger" coming? I mean in the political context... usually you can see a teabagger coming. The other kind I mean. They tend to fill up your field of vision). And it's not like I'm some old guy complaining about the kids today with their newfangled indecipherable jargon, pining for the nonexistant utopian golden age, when things were either simply "tubular" or "grody" and that was it. I've been known to take on a new word or two. Sometimes I'll get wild and describe something as "the bomb" like the kids do.

But those ones I've skipped, the ones listed above... I don't know. Try harder, I guess is the message. If it comes up on an MTV "reality" TV show, chances are I'm out. They try to come at me with all their prefabricated zeitgeisty corporate-sponsored adver-speak, but I'm just all like "you can talk to the hand." And they do. And my hand suddenly will only tolerate Dolce & Gabbana and wants to be seen at Les Deux dry-humping in the VIP section with that girl from "Jersey Shore." No, not the little stupid one, the other one. The stupid taller one with the giant cans. The hand is weak.

1 comment:

kittens not kids said...

"whatever's clever"? Is that really a thing people say? shit, I'm more out of it than you are (but then, you live in southern california, and I live in yee-haw Pennsyltucky).

Of your list, I have only ever said "hot mess," and then mostly only when talking to my gay friend about Project Runway.

I resisted Ginormous for a long time. I still hate it, but it sneaked into my vocabulary.

I AM proud to say I have only the faintest inkling of what Jersey Shore is, and I absolutely would not recognize any of its participants(? cast? ??) in a photograph.