Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I don't really have strong feelings about the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. I'm planning on reserving my judgment until we get closer to November when we all get to vote for her one way or another. I haven't been following the news that closely, but I was glad to see she emerged mostly unscathed from the primaries over that awful Gordon Brown. He seemed creepy and sad.

But now that the preliminaries are over, the Supreme Court general election machine revs up, at the heart of which is an engine turned by the scrambling, determined legs of an indefatigable male hamster driving a wheel in a futile attempt to catch and have sex with the other male hamster in the wheel in front of him.

I'm sure you're thinking: why do the hamsters have to be gay? Must sexuality determine everything? And the answer to that, of course, is yes. Yes, it must. Not only the ability to work, but the quality of work one is capable of producing, it has been proven scientifically, is directly related to where one fits on the Kinsey Scale of Relative Gayness.

Zeroes and sixes are automatically suspect as anything that "exclusively" anything is either lying to overcompensate or is too busy grinding his/her pelvis raw against cubicle walls, park benches or fellow bus passengers to be much good to anyone, professionally speaking (professional whores of the appropriate gender excluded, naturally).

Ones and twos are interesting at parties because you can watch them bleed each other dry with stinging passive-aggression, expressing the kind of deeply sublimated murderous impulse you can only get from a long-term heterosexual coupling. But then they invariably breed, become insufferably single-minded and are no good to anyone anymore ever, least of all their children.

A five can be fun if you can't remember what to call those things you hang above windows that aren't quite drapes, but between the Us Weekly and the amyl nitrite, good luck getting a full day's work out of one of those.

And a three, a true, honest to goodness three, well, you may as well put out an ad for a yeti or a moderate Republican. They just don't exist. People will tell you they are a three. That's because they are trying to have sex with you. Again, exactly like the yeti.

For the best results, what you need is a nice, safe, Kinsey Four. Solid. Dependable. Socially non-mainstream enough to be unpredictable and creative. Subtle, empathetic, but masculine enough to surprise you with those big, meaty hands when the pickle jar lid just won't cooperate. Like Mrs. Doubtfire without the Robin Williams underneath.

By that standard, I'd say Obama has done well giving us this Kagan woman.

I will say she'll have her hands full against that Charlie Crist in the general election, though.

Either way, the SCOTUS PFLAG meetings are about to get a lot more lively.


mrgumby2u said...

Old Fogey alert:

Back when I was a kid in school, in the days of pencils and rulers and chalkboards, after everybody had forgot how to use a slide rule but before calculators were invented, they taught us about the president and the supreme court (we didn't have capital letters in those days either); no POTUS or SCOTUS for us. I realize those things fit in tweets better than the real words, but I just can't use them. Potus sounds like some kind of ethnic food with dubious ingredients, and Scotus, well, you know what that sounds like.

kittens not kids said...

I'm not an old fogey (though I am a born curmudgeon), but i have to agree with mrgumby on the Potus/Scotus thing.

they just sound....icky.

I'm a Kinsey 0. or maybe a
Kinsey -7. it's kind of pathetic - i'm about the least queer person I know, yet (because of this?) i am mostly a queer theorist in my academic life.

Poplicola said...

Gumbo: You're right, every time I see "SCOTUS" I immediately think of "scutage," the medieval practice of gentlemen buying their way out of their feudal military obligations. It's like the National Guard in the 60s.

KnK: I'm wondering why they don't do it with Congress, like you know, COTUS. Like whatever career a defeated incumbent would embark on would be post-COTUS. You have to agree, that's pretty awesome.