Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lost Time

I'm taking a personal day to deal with some uninteresting bullshit. Sadly, with my infrequent posting record here, that works out to a personal week, I know. But to keep you entertained over the next 7-10 days, I've devised the following limerick for you to enjoy/ponder/break into discussion groups and dissect. 

There once was a lady from China
who traveled to North Carolina
found a rock in her shoe
and called y'all a "you"
vagina vagina vagina

OK, maybe I panicked at the end, but I know these things are supposed to be bawdy. Nothing bawdier than genitals, right? Best I could do off the top of my head. And look, you're embarrassed to have it on your screen at work, yes? Vagina FTW. Same time next week.

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